Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Tanya : kenapa ngepost ttg phobia?
Jawab : jadi gini, ada temen gue yg lagi asik-asiknya ngepost ttg phobia di twitter. (dia jg pny blog : ) nah dia bikin gue tertarik utk ngepost ttg phobia di blog gue . Thanks yow man! oke sekarang ke topik

what is Phobia?
Phobia = a persistent, irrational fear of a specific object, activity, or situation that leads to a compelling desire to avoid it. -

Phobia = an irrational, intense and persistent fear of certain situations, activities, things, animals, or people.The main symptom of this disorder is the excessive and unreasonable desire to avoid the feared stimulus. When the fear is beyond one's control, and if the fear is interfering with daily life, then a diagnosis under one of the anxiety disorders can be made -

Dari 2 sumber ini yang gue tangkep adalah Phobia = ketakutan yang berlebihan terhadap sesuatu

ternyata macem-macem phobia itu buanyaaaaak banget. gue kira cuma phobia gelap, darah, tinggi, sama kucing doang (gue tau ada phobia sama kucing gara2 gue adalah salah satunya). ada beberapa yang gak make sense dan juga bikin ngakak kalo sampe ada orang yang punya phobia tersebut. cekidot deh

Psychological conditions

Animal phobias

Non-psychological conditions

Biology, chemistry

Prejudices and discrimination

Jocular and fictional Phobias

  • Keanuphobia - fear of Keanu Reeves
  • Luposlipaphobia - fear of being pursued by timber wolves around a kitchen table while wearing socks on a newly waxed floor
  • Nihilophobia - fear of nothingness
  • Venustraphobia – fear of beautiful women, *hahahahahah this is really funny*
  • Spasmaynagaialia phobia - fear of broken glass
so, What's your phobia(s) ? 

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