Saturday, August 21, 2010

I'm an Indo

hmm .gue kyknya keseringan ngepost pake inggris ya.. but actually I'm INDONESIAN
citizen! ya.. tepatnya gw tinggal di Jakarta... blh jg dibilang. ibukota negara Indonesia..
sebenernya gw lahir di Manado pd tgl 9 Dec 1997. and I wonder why I live in Jakarta, not Manado.. pdhl tiap gw pulang kesana, suasananya jauh lbh enak disana. haha
well, impresi gw trhadap indo itu.. indonesia adalah negara yg kaya.segala macem yg brhubungan dgn pertambangan,pariwisata,kebudayaan pokoknya indonesia itu bersaing banget sm negara lain. tp yg disayangkan itu indonesia yg kurang bisa memanfaatkannya. contohnya gini nih.. tau kan info ttg reog ponorogo? yg sekarang ud diambil sm malaysia.. sbnrnya bkn slh mereka jg ngambil kesenian kita. kita jg slh. knp kita ga lestarikan kebudayaan/kesenian tsb.? ad yg jawab "malu untuk melestarikan. nanti disangka org yg ga keren" kata siapa? mnrt gw belajar kesenian indo itu keren2 aja kok... mlh bagus banget. tau ga kalo bnyk bule yg bljr kesenian indo? ada loh yg sampe bela2in belajar bhs indo spy bisa kesini trus blajar keseniannya gitu. itu tandanya klo kesenian kita tuh dihargai dan dikagumi bangsa lain. jadi.... ya simpulkan sendiri deh .. hahaha :D

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

she's so fluffy I'm gonna die!

who is it?
Yes! she's Agnes in Despicable me.
she's just too cute to be true
to prove just scroll your mouse down

caution : if you can't stand cuteness.. better navigate away from this page LOL

 Gosh. look at her emotions...


oh yes, I also like the minions.. they're cute too *papoy papoy* 

oh yes I found a website of the minions --->

that's all for today

hugs from Agnes and the minions :3

Sunday, August 15, 2010


LOL I tried a lot of shoots of myself with tripod. and some of them are great . lol.
check it out
oh yes
I came back from Grand Indonesia and I bought some accessories in Forever 21..those r totally my style.
I'll go back there ASAP to hunt more fashions yeah

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Sunday, August 1, 2010

YoungBoys on Indonesia's Got Talent

heyy...they are on Indonesia's Got Talent (IGT) cause they have the real talent...
they're very creative to compose or to remix songs...
watch them on Indosiar at 8.00 on every Friday (available in Indonesia only)
and also.... they are my friends :p 

personeels : 

(from left to right)
Clyde Chong--Andreas Lim--Kenan Loui--Yongki Vincent

this is one of their shows performance that published in Youtube... watch!
and this one is their video clip watch!

vote for them guys :)

P.S : they also known as YamahaBoys

August 1st 2010 - Aug's hopes

today is the 1st day of August 2010.. I won't make a long post. but I just wanna share my August's hopes....
#1 I hope the camp which will be held on 6th August would make a great memories for the 7th graders 
#2 I hope I would be a better person :)
#3 I hope 7-5's friendship lasts forever 
#4 I hope... I hope.... I hope
it just makes me more ... more.... more..... hopeless :(
well.. I have to be grateful of what God has given to me right?